Thursday, August 27, 2015


August 27, 2015

Elder Mac Hedman

Dear Elder Hedman:

Congratulations on your appointment as a Missionary Trainer! It is wonderful to see the effort you have put into your own development so that you have qualified yourself for this very important position.

You will have many opportunities for Church service, but none will demand a greater example of worthiness, obedience, faithfulness, leadership, or love than training a new missionary. I earnestly pray that you will understand the magnitude of this stewardship.

Provide the needed example by following mission rules with exactness, read the handbook each week, study, pray and follow the daily schedule established in Preach My Gospel. Be diligent in adhering to the proselyting schedule and do all things necessary to provide a foundation of lifelong faithfulness for this new servant of the Lord. Live so that your strength and leadership will constantly be observed by all around you.

You are well aware of the need for your new companion to immerse himself in studying Preach My Gospel. Be faithful in helping this new missionary to study hard and complete the 12-week training course for new missionaries. In addition to the 12-week training course one of the most important things you can do as a trainer will be to teach your trainee how to follow the recommended Preach My Gospel schedule, including quality daily and weekly planning sessions, as well as effective personal and companion study. I urge you to hold a companion inventory regularly. Strive for open, thoughtful communication. Listen carefully to those things your companion wants to say--and perhaps is not able to say without your help and encouragement. Love and encourage love. Be diligent in these things and in your work, and you will be blessed beyond measure.

You are a fine missionary! I pray for your success and that of our new missionary in this new responsibility.

Scott B. Clark

Monday, August 24, 2015

Short & Sweet

Dear Family!!

So this week, I don't really know what to talk about!!  Nothing really happened this week!  Just normal work and it was pretty good!! (:  We had 1 investigator come to church and that was pretty good.  It was kind of  sad that only one came but the others slept in and so they weren't able to make it and said that next week they will come!!  So that was okay I guess.  Hopefully this upcoming week we can find some new investigators.  We are running out of people to teach.  So we gotta do some great finding because we need some new people to teach!!  So we will probably be focusing on that in the upcoming week!  And this week is transfer week by the way!  So it's going to be my last transfer.  So I guess I will find out who will be my last companion and where I will be!!  I think though that nothing will happen to me and I'll just stay here with the companion I have!  That wouldn't be to bad so that's okay!!  We have hopefully 2 baptisms coming up in September but it depends on their word of wisdom and how their church comes along! 

Remember I love you guys!! Sorry nothing really happened this week nothing to exciting!!! (:

Mahal ko kayo!

Elder Hedman

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Power Outage

So Dear Family and Friends!!!

Sorry first off, I don't have much time at all.  The power has been out the whole entire day!!  So that wasn't exciting at all!!  And it just got back on so we rushed here to the computer shop so that we could email!! 

So this week was really good.  We ended up having 3 investigators come to church and are looking to help them get baptized in the upcoming weeks!!  Probably in September!!  So that's really exciting!! The ones that came to church was Sister Loreine, Sister Ladylyn, and Tatay Jaybee.  So if you could keep them in your prayers, that would be awesome!!  Um other than that, this week we had zone conference so we all met in Cabanatuan.  But it's just so different.  (He's not a Zone Leader anymore)  It's so much training and we didn't get to talk much with the other missionaries like at all.  I didn't get to take any pictures or sit and talk much... it's like 5 minutes after its over we are all headed back.  So it's good for training, but its literally it's just stuff that I have heard over and over again.  So that's kinda interesting.  It just makes it harder to focus I think.  But I'll keep working hard till the very end!  Can't believe how fast the time is going by!  But I literally just still love being a missionary.  It's so great and I'm enjoying it so much and having such a great time!!  It's such a great experience to be able to share the gospel!! 

Also in other great news, I finished the Book of Mormon again this week!!  So I will try and finish it 1 more time before I come home!!  So I'll keep you guys updated there.  I guess I got a lot of reading to do so I can start working on that!!!!  Gotta love the Book of Mormon!  Sorry this is kinda short, the power going out just kinda messed everything up!  But remember I love you guys and the church is true!!!(:

Love Elder Hedman

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

May May baptism

Dear Family!

So it sounds like home is going great!!  That's good.  I can't believe how fast the time is going by.  I was thinking about it and I can count the weeks on my hands... that was shocking!!  So the week has been pretty good!!  I am just lazy in typing cause I know I'm coming home soon and I can just tell you guys whats happening... hahaha   But this week was actually a really good week!!  We managed to find a lot of new investigators with some great potential for the upcoming weeks!!  One is named Loreine, and another is Jay Bee.  They are 2 investigators that I feel have some great potential to be baptized in September!!  So that would be awesome if you could keep them in your prayers!!  We taught Tatay Jay bee about the word of wisdom .. and he said that it's a great thing to know that there are things that we should get rid of.  So he's starting little by little to start being more like Christ and to follow the commandments.  So that's just an awesome thing to see!! 

So this week also we had the baptism service for May May and that was so awesome!!  It was kinda annoying though because it was supposed to start at 2 o'clock so we showed up and there was a ton of people at the church.  The branch president didn't tell us that there was a meeting that was going to be happening.  So we ended up waiting for it to end, and the baptism didn't even start till 4:30.  And then it was just like super fast because the branch just isn't the most supportive.  But we are working with what we have.  So we will keep it up and just do our best!!  But it was great hearing her testimony of how the Book of Mormon has helped her and seeing how she just loves coming to church and being with some of her friends there!!  So that was definitely the highlight of the week!! 
Can she be any cuter?  Reminds me of my cute nieces that live in Colorado!

When is our cruise again??   hahaha  I'm stoked for that!!  But I'll be continuing to be working hard till the end!!   It's a great thing and I've seen so much changes in myself and just seeing how much more spiritual I have become!!!   I haven't used the debit card yet but I'll probably use it later.  It would be nice to know also how much is on it!!(:  Thanks and remember that I love you guys and I'll see you guys in like 57 days!!(; haha LOVE YOU!
What is up with the black socks and striped tie? 

Love Elder Hedman

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lazy Sunday Email

Dear Family!!

Sorry, I kinda feel lazy this week in emailing.  So this email might not be the longest!!  Sounds like everything back home is going great.  That is awesome to hear!!  I'm so stoked still for Brigham to be serving a mission.  It's the best thing in the world.  And the best thing that he could possibly do.  That's for sure!!  So this week we had a pretty decent week!!  We had the interview for one of our baptisms.  And this upcoming Saturday we are going to be having another baptism.  I'm really excited about that.  Her name is May May.  She's a part member and she's going to be getting baptized.  She's really excited so that's really awesome.  It's always a great thing to have baptisms!!  I hope this won't be the last but for now, we don't really have anyone else progressing.  So we are going to be working on that and helping find new people and helping them get to church!! 

This week we also had interviews with our mission president.  That was so good.  I was excited and we got to talk for a bit but nothing too big.  So that was just kinda normal.  Just kinda a normal week.  Sorry nothing super exciting.  I don't feel like emailing for long today.  Maybe next week I'll send a more indepth email!! But I did get your package.  I'll probably get it tomorrow.  The office called me and told me that it's finally here, so thats good news!!  So thanks for sending that and getting it out!!

Remember na mahal ko kayo!! Ingat kayo lagi!!(:

Love, Elder Hedman