Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mahal ko kayo!!

Dear Family,

So this week has been good!!  Nothing to exciting really happened so sorry I don't have to much to say!! But wow, it seems like everything is going crazy back home in America!!!  Oh wow... you guys never even told me that chessa was getting married!!!!  (Chessa is his cousin and she is engaged!  Oh, I did a few weeks ago, but he must have forgotten.)   Thanks for that!!!!  Wow!! I didn't even know!!  WOW!  I'm so happy that Brigham is getting out on a mission.  It's the greatest thing in the world for sure!  I still haven't gotten the package, but it might just be waiting to get picked up from our office.  So that's okay.  Don't worry, it'll all be okay(: 

So the work is going pretty good still here!!  We are just struggling to find some new people to teach so we are really focusing on finding recently lately.  So that's always such a fun thing to do because I get to lead it being the senior companion.  So I will start doing a lot of finding and I'm hoping that we can start getting some referrals from the branch that we are serving in!!  The Branch that we are in is alright.  They are really nice but the church is just basically mostly new to most of them.  So they don't really know what they need to be doing and they have a hard time getting the members to fulfill their calling.  So the branch president at most times just really seems stressed..  So we are also trying to find small ways that we can help and that we can serve him so that way his job will be a lot easier.  And they can help us with the missionary work going on in the branch!  So that's basically whats going on here in the branch!!

As for the area, it's alright.  Our investigator, Emil, it was just kinda sad.  He just left to go work for his family so he went to a different place so we just kinda lost that right away.  But that's okay just don't get down right??  Haha  But on the bright side, we have an investigator and she's a part member family.  Her name is May.  She's just a younger girl but she is really smart and comes to church every week!!  So we have her on date for August 8th.  And after that we did have one scheduled for august 29th, but that's looking a little unsure now.  So we will work on seeing what we can do to help him continue to prepare!  So the work is great and I still love being a missionary.  I can't believe how fast time is going by!!  I heard we got our itinerary (to come home in 2 months!!),  but I haven't seen it yet.  But I got kinda a run down of whats it's going to be like from the office elders because one is our batch so he called us and let us know!  hahah  Me and my kabahay (roommate), Elder Callister were kinda stoked.  I'm like ready to come home but at the same time I know I'm gonna miss this place a ton.  I'm loving being out here and just getting to know the people more!!  Remember that the church is true!!  Don't forget to pray as a family and have family home evening even if its simple!!  Just small simple things as a family it will help and you will love each other any more and the lord will bless us even more!! 

The church is so true don't you ever forget it!!

Mahal ko kayo!!

Ingat kayo lagi!!

Elder Hedman

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